The Wall’s Rules


General: Climbing and bouldering are activities with a danger of personal injury or death. Participants in these activities should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions and involvement. Although The Wall is an artificial environment, many of the risks involved are no less serious than when climbing outside on a crag or boulder. Climbing beyond your capabilities on any indoor wall is likely to result in a fall. Any fall may result in an injury despite the safety systems in place to avoid it. You must make your own assessment of the risks whenever you climb.

Legal Jibber Jabber: Please take time to read the Legal Jibber Jabber. It’s important and is legally binding and sets out the terms and conditions which govern our relationship with you.

Holds and volumes: Holds and volumes can spin or break at any time resulting in you falling off a wall in an uncontrolled manner. Loose or damaged holds must be reported to reception straight away.

Matting: The soft flooring under the bouldering walls is designed to provide a more comfortable landing for climbers falling or jumping from the bouldering wall. The matting does not make bouldering any safer then any other form of indoor climbing activity at greater height involving ropes. Broken and sprained limbs are common on this type of climbing wall despite the soft landing. Uncontrolled falls are likely to result in injuries to you or others.

Using The Wall

The Wall’s rules: The rules of The Wall set out below are not intended to limit your enjoyment of the facilities. They are provided to help ensure that everyone who uses The Wall can do so as safely as possible. They are part of the duty of care that we owe to you. By using The Wall you confirm that you agree to The Wall’s rules and will abide by them.

Your conduct: You also have a duty of care to act responsibly towards the other users of The Wall. Statements of ‘Good Practice’ are posted around The Wall adjacent to the relevant facilities. These describe the accepted methods of use and how customers would normally be expected to behave towards each other.

Personal property: We take no responsibility for your personal property. Keep valuables with you or give them to a friend or family who is not climbing.

Your Climbing: Before you climb without supervision we expect you to be able to describe the dangers inherent in bouldering and the risks involved. Before you climb you are required to register to say that you are prepared to abide by these rules and that you understand the risks involved in your participation. Anyone who has not registered is classed as a novice and must not climb without supervision. Staff will provide whatever help and advice they can, but instruction in climbing techniques will only be provided where it has been booked and paid for in advance. If you are not confident using any part of The Wall then do not attempt to use it without being supervised by a competent person.

Children: Children are any persons under the age of 18. All children in The Wall must be supervised by a member of staff (or an adult if they are not climbing) unless they have been assessed by The Wall manager as capable of climbing unsupervised, have written parental consent and are registered to climb unsupervised (Only applies to 14 years and above). Children must abide by The Wall’s rules.

The Wall Rules

Every person climbing at The Wall agrees acknowledge and confirms that each time they use The Wall, that they will: